

  1. Z-wave
    1. Universal Binary Sensor with temperature support.
    2. More devices in the Z-wave guide.
    3. New Z-wave firmware, v7.13. Improves FLiRS communication.
    4. Added TX data for Z-wave commands through websockets.
  2. Automations
    1. Added advanced settings for Presence triggers.
    2. Added date in activity logs.
    3. Added Heart Name in emails.
    4. Bug fixes in upcoming events.
    5. Bug fix when opening certain automations.
  3. WiFi
    1. Improvments after dropped connection.
    2. Debug commands added in the webterminal, try

      enter wifi
      status -help
      restart -help
      reset -help
  4. Improved camera streams.
  5. New Device: DoorBird intercom.
  6. More RF433 devices support, Chacon DiO.
  7. Philips Hue throttle requests when used in automations.
  8. Push Notifications now include the Home name in the title.
  9. Other bug fixes.
  10. General GUI improvements.

Automation e-mail subjects updated

The E-mail subject sent from automations have been updated from [Animus Heart] <subject> to [Animus Heart: <heart-name>] <subject>. If you are using this as an integrated system you might have a breaking change.

New Android app version

Android app has been released to version 2.1.1 with improved camera stream player. Read more on Goolge Play Store.

System version 2.1.0 is required

You must have the system version 2.1.0 or higher to run this framework version.

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