

  1. Open API:
    1. Generate API-keys
    2. RESTful API with websockets for getting real time events. Read more about the API in our documentation https://api-docs.animushome.com
  2. Automations: Possibility to reorganize the Then-actions with drag and drop, and other UI improvements.
  3. Z-Wave: Extended logs through webterminal to debug easier.
  4. RF433: Support for Cleverio doorbells.
  5. Google Home: 433MHz dimmers are now available in Google Home. You need to re-install the animus app in your Google Home to get this change.
  6. Heart Halo: Persist the Halo settings (name and room) even after a reboot.
  7. Overall GUI improvements.
    1. Device page
    2. General Settings
    3. Home Layout
  8. Overall system improvements.

New iOS release

A new iOS app version has also been released (version 1.2.2). This release solves some issues on iPads and improves overall performance.

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